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Metode Deteksi Heuristik Virus Generasi Terbaru dari BitDefender

Published by Hafid under on 08.33
Metode heuristik bekerja dengan menganalisa suatu file dengan syarat - syarat yang diajukan antivirus dan mengecek kesamaan kode suatu file dengan sebuah virus yang diketahui. Contohnya begini. Antivirus memiliki syarat sebuah file virus: mengacak - acak registry, membuat proses exe, dan membuat file exe di C:\Windows\system32. Ia mengecek sebuah file dengan syarat - syarat tersebut. Jika file memenuhi syarat yang diajukan, maka file tersebut dinyatakan virus. Kelebihan dari metode ini adalah tidak terlalu bergantung pada definisi. Namun kelemahannya adalah false positive yang mungkin timbul.

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis - Past Perfect

Published by Hafid under on 03.24
Past Perfect :

S + had + V3 + O

The Past perfect is used to indicate :
  • An action that happend before another action in the past,There usually are two actions in the sentence.
John had gone to the store before he went home.
John told us yesterday, that he had visited England in 1970.
S + had + V3 + before + S + V2

Perbandingan Format Audio WAV dan MP3

Published by Hafid under on 07.02
Saat sebuah suara direkam, alat elektronik menyajikannya ke dalam bentuk gelombang. Agar suara tersebut bisa disimpan ke dalam komputer, gelombang itu diubah menjadi bentuk digital. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan cara mengambil sampel sejumlah bagian gelombang suara per detik yang kemudian disimpan ke komputer dalam format WAV.

Dari grafik di samping ini, dapat dilihat sebuah garis merah yang menandakan sampel suara yang diambil pada gelombang. Semakin banyak sampel suara yang diambil tiap detiknya, maka sampel suara tersebut akan semakin mendekati bentuk

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis - Past and Present Tenses

Published by Hafid under on 06.35
Simple present and present progressive
  1. Something smells (smell) very good.
  2. We are eating (eat) diner of seven o'clock tonight.
  3. He is practices (practice) the piano every day.
  4. They are driving (drive) to school tomorrow.
  5. I believing (believe) you.
  6. Maria has (have) a cold.
  7. Jorge is swimming (swim) right now.
  8. John hates (hate) smoke.
  9. Jil always gets (get) up at 6.00 am.

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis - Other

Published by Hafid under on 07.04
With count nouns :
an + other + singular noun (one more)
  • another pencil -> one more pencil
the + other + singular nouns (last of the set)
  • the other pencil -> the last pencil present
other + plural noun (more of the set)
  • other pencil -> some more pencil
the other + plural noun (the rest of the set)
  • the other pencil -> all remaining pencil
With non count nouns :

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis - Determines

Published by Hafid under on 06.58
Determines :

  1. He doesnt't here (much/many) much money.
  2. I would like (a few/little) a few salt of vegetable.
  3. She bought (that/those) those cards last night.
  4. There are (less/fewer) less student in this room that in the next room.
  5. There is (too much/too many) too much bad news in the televison tonight.
  6. I do not want (this/these) this water.
  7. This is (too many/too much) too much information to learn.
  8. A (few/little) little people left early.
  9. Would you like (less/fewer) fewer coffee than this?

